探索靶向性非病毒载体系统在人脑胶质瘤基因治疗中的应用。方法: 组建了EGF-R介导的GE7基因转移系统,分别与β-gal报道基因和p21基因构成载体复合物,体外转染U251细胞,通过X-gal染色、Western blot分析、原位末端标记、DNA梯带检测等,观察了外源基因的导入及对肿瘤细胞的抑制作用。结果: X-gal染色表明,外源基因的导入率可达80%;转染p21基因后,细胞生长受到明显抑制,第7天生长抑制率约58%。原位末端标记及DNA梯带检测发现,转染细胞有明显的凋亡发生。结论: GE7载体系统能高效靶向地将外源基因导入肿瘤细胞,外源基因的表达可明显抑制肿瘤细胞的生长,有效诱导其凋亡。
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To investigate the effects of novel targeted non-viral vector in gene therapy of human glioma. Methods: The EGF-R targeting gene delivery system GE7 was constructed. Human glioma cell line U251 was transfected in vitro with β-gal as reportor gene and p21 as therapeutic gene using this gene delivery system. By means of the assay of β-galactosidase staining, Western blotting, in situ end labeling apoptosis cells and DNA ladder, the transferring of exogenous genes and the apoptosis of the tumor cells were examined. Results: It was showed that gene transfer efficiency is over 80%. When transfected with p21 gene, the growth of cells was inhibited significantly, and the apoptosis was detected in the transfected cell by the methods of in situ end labeling and DNA ladder. Conclusion: The GE7 gene delivery system has the ability to transfer exogenous gene to tumor cells and the expression of the therapeutic gene can inhibit the growth of the cells.
R730.51 R394