[摘要] 胃癌是我国发病率和死亡率最高的恶性肿瘤之一,手术、放化疗等传统手段对胃癌的疗效均有限。胃癌具有高度异质性,随着对胃癌分子水平研究的深入和免疫治疗的快速发展,个体化免疫治疗成为胃癌治疗领域最具前景的方向之一。近年来陆续提出的胃癌分子分型系统不仅对胃癌的基因和分子表达特征进行了准确且全面的描述,而且能够提供肿瘤相关的分子免疫学信息,对胃癌免疫治疗优势人群的界定、治疗策略的选择和开发具有指导意义。基于目前相对完善的几种胃癌分子分型系统,本文就胃癌分子分型与免疫治疗的相关性及由此衍生的胃癌个体化免疫治疗新策略展开讨论。
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[Abstract] Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the malignant tumors with the highest morbidity and mortality in China, and conventional therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy have limited curative effect on it. GC is highly heterogeneous. With the research on GC deepening into a molecular level and the rapid development of immunotherapy, individualized immunotherapy has become the most promising technology in the field of GC therapy. Several molecular classifications have been put forward in recent years,accurately as well as comprehensively depicting the genomic and molecular characteristics of GC. Moreover, molecular classifications also provided molecular immunological information of GC, which gave implications for the screening of benefit population and treatment decision-making. Based on the several existing GC molecular classifications, this review discussed the guiding significance of molecular classifications on the development and application of GC individualized immunotherapy.