个性化新抗原肿瘤疫苗逐渐崭露头角,在恶性黑色素瘤、肺癌、脑胶质瘤等肿瘤治疗领域取得了突破,展现了良好的 应用前景。随着测序成本的降低、人工智能技术的不断突破和对肿瘤免疫理解的不断深入,对一个肿瘤患者进行全过程动态跟 踪和捕捉其肿瘤相关体细胞突变的克隆多样性已成为可能,随之研发的新抗原肿瘤疫苗则成为肿瘤治疗的前沿热点,未来可期。 本文从新抗原的筛选鉴定、新抗原相关的肿瘤疫苗及其临床应用现状、个性化新抗原肿瘤疫苗面临的挑战和未来发展趋势等五 个方面,系统地总结了个性化新抗原肿瘤疫苗这一新兴的精准免疫治疗方法的研究脉络及进展,并对未来重点走向进行了展望。
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Personalized neoantigen cancer vaccines have gradually emerged, with breakthroughs being made in the treatment of cancers such as melanoma, lung cancer and glioma, demonstrating potential and promising prospects. With the decrease in sequencing costs, continuous breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) technology and the deepened understanding of tumor immunotherapy, it is feasible to conduct dynamic whole-process monitoring and to capture the clone diversity of tumor-related somatic mutations in tumor patients, along with which the developed neoantigen cancer vaccines have become the current research hotspot with promising future. This review systematically summarizes the research context and progress as well as looks into the future key development of the personalized neoantigen cancer vaccines, an emerging precise immunotherapy, from the aspects of screening and validation of neoantigens, clinical application, challenges, and future trends.